Hot Off the Shelf Feb 12 through Feb 17th Closed Monday Feb. 12th for Family Day....but you can still shop on line!!

Hero of the Week


Willa Dale is our Hero of the Week!

Willa has been an active member of the RIH Quilt Guild since 2003. She and many others have participated in making quilts for the hospital both for use in the Royal Inland Hospital as well as raffle quilts.

The RIH Quilt started in 1979 and has been going strong ever since. All proceeds from the sale of tickets for the Spring Raffle quilts go directly to the Hospital to be used for everything from chairs to equipment.

This year the quilts are : Baltimore Album 65" x 80" and Green of Spring 70" x 80".

Tickets are available at the shop for $2 each for a chance to win one of these gorgeous quilts June 4th. The Guild will also be at the Quilt Show in the Seniors Center across from the shop April 28th and 29th with the quilts to see and to sell raffle tickets.

Thank you Willa for giving so generously of your time and talents. Our community is so lucky to have you and your peers to give every year to this worthy cause that benefits everyone.


Penguin Love


"Penguin Love" pillow is just the cutest pattern and it is free! You could use it in the center of a quilt or just have it as a cushion. Either way this is a cutie!

Pattern is compliments of RJR fabrics. Click here for the free pattern!


Kim Aydon Trunk Show


It was a full house last night at the Shelf with Kim Aydon here from Prince George to show her projects. Kim does machine embroidery, quilting and bag making.

It was a fun show for everyone and there will be classes coming with her teaching. I do have her items in the shop to show so if you would like a peek come on in.

I was so inspired I was ready to go home and sew! Nope....didn't happen! Went home and off to bed!

Thank you Kim for a great evening and a huge thank you to everyone who came out to see the show!


Quilt Canada is Coming to Vancouver

  Quilt Canada

May 31, June 1 & 2 2018
Vancouver, BC
The Vancouver Convention Centre

May 31 (10am – 7pm)
June 1 (10am – 7pm)
June 2 (11am – 5pm)

Stay up to date on preparations for Quilt Canada 2018, the National Juried Show and all the plans for celebrating Canadian quilters and quilting.

Tickets for QUILT CANADA 2018 are now available to purchase.
For more information on the event click here!


Wendy White


Wendy White with Kathy Cholette and their Kimberbell bench pillows! This one is for the month of January, called Winter Whimsy.

Wendy made great use of rick rack, pom poms, trims and threads to make her bench pillow uniquely hers!


Glide Threads.....we are a triple digit quantity store


The first 110 colours of the Glide threads have arrived! Bill has put new shelves up for all these beauties and I have to say they look fabulous!

Bill has ordered another 110 colours to come in the next few weeks. Exciting times coming to the Shelf!

Glide thread is a Poly thread with a gorgeous sheen and almost no breakage or tension issues. Have to love that!

All of our Glide threads are up on the website so you can check them out from the comfort of your home or come on in to gaze in awe at our Glide thread display! Click here for immediate access to these beauties!



Hoffman fabrics Cityscapes


Hoffman Fabrics "Cityscapes" wide back cotton! This one is so unique and eye catching for that one of a kind quilt.

Measuring at 104" wide [ top to bottom of picture ] we cut 2 meters for the top of this quilt and then used a purple minky on the back! Beth quilted it up using a  simple but effective cloud pattern on the long arm and we love it!

You can find this fabric in the shop or online!


9th Annual North Shore Quilt Show


We have a change in dates for the 9th Annual Quilt Show.

Due to unforeseen glitch at the Seniors Center we are moving the show from April 21/22 to April 28/29th.

This quilt show is all about you! Think of it as a giant Show and Tell with lots of inspiration for everyone!

No entry fee, no judging .....just fun!

We will start to accept quilts in the middle of April. We will also be looking for volunteers to help out at the show so stay tuned for details.

Photo is from the Quilt Show in it's very early days 2010 in the first tiny shop!

  batting picture

Hobbs 80/20 Batting Sale is Back!!

Hobbs 80/20 batting by the roll 27.4 meters is for a limited time $229.99.
Pre-order only with delivery beginning of April. Pick up only at the shop. We can hold your batting for you until the end of the summer.
This works out to $8.39 meter!!!
Prices on batting are going up this year so don't miss out on this great opportunity.
Phone us at 250-376-7630, come into the shop or order online. 

Robyn sheils 001 

Used APQS Machine Sale

APQS is having a Used Machine sale right now!

Check out some of the deals below and give us a call at 250-376-7630 to bring one of these dream machines home! I have also put all the information up on the website.

Click here to view sale details!



Bill is on the road again!

  on the road again

Bill is heading up to Terrace and Prince Rupert area the first week in May! He will be bringing lots of goodies

Anyone needing service on their APQS machines let us know. Also he can bring rolls of batting up for anyone who is ordering the batting right now at the amazing sale price!

I will have more details in the weeks to come....I am working on getting the fellow all organized. He is loving it.....LOL!  Call us at 250-376-7630 to get your name down for him to see your machine!


Circle of Life

circle of life 

Circle of Life class by Jacqueline de Jonge is being taught by Anne Hall July 24th through July 28th, 2018. Anne is one of only 5 in the world who is certified to teach this pattern! Pretty darn excited about that! Come and learn to make a jaw dropping project this summer with an amazing teacher! Cost of the class is $375 for the 5 days. You can sign up in store or online!

Please note that when you sign up on line the tax is included in the price. We are treating everyone to breakfast each morning courtesy of Craig's Bakery as well.



"Happiness" project by Jacqueline de Jonge of Be Colourful quilt designs is being taught March 2nd and 3rd, 2018. This one is a great learning one for all Be Colourful projects. Anne Hall, a certified Instructor will be teaching this one and we are pretty darn thrilled about that! Anne is a fabulous teacher with lots of tips and tricks and makes the class just so much fun! We have 4 spots left in the class. Cost of class is $200 and you can sign up in store or online!

Please note that when you sign up on line the tax is included in the price.


Desert Sky


Desert Sky

Anne Hall, also certified instructor from Quiltworx, is here  February 28 and March 1st to teach Desert Sky quilt. The emphasis in this one is learning to do those perfect spikes and smooth corners. Guaranteed to be a fun experience with loads of tips and techniques this one is well worth taking. We have only 2 spots left in this one. Cost of the class is $160 and you can sign up in store or online!

Please note that when you sign up on line the tax is included in the price.