Hero of the Week
Willa Dale is our Hero of the Week!
Willa has been an active member of the RIH Quilt Guild since 2003. She and many others have participated in making quilts for the hospital both for use in the Royal Inland Hospital as well as raffle quilts.
The RIH Quilt started in 1979 and has been going strong ever since. All proceeds from the sale of tickets for the Spring Raffle quilts go directly to the Hospital to be used for everything from chairs to equipment.
This year the quilts are : Baltimore Album 65" x 80" and Green of Spring 70" x 80".
Tickets are available at the shop for $2 each for a chance to win one of these gorgeous quilts June 4th. The Guild will also be at the Quilt Show in the Seniors Center across from the shop April 28th and 29th with the quilts to see and to sell raffle tickets.
Thank you Willa for giving so generously of your time and talents. Our community is so lucky to have you and your peers to give every year to this worthy cause that benefits everyone.