Hero of the Week
This week's hero is Jeremy Heighton, the Executive Director of the North Shore Business Improvement Association.
Jeremy is at the helm of the association working so hard to bring prosperity and opportunity to the North Shore. Always a smile, always open to new ideas and so eager to promote our area of Kamloops.
Jeremy and the organization bring everything from flower planters, better lighting, Overlander Days, increased housing and more to our area. He is one very busy guy....makes me think of the Energizer Bunny! Just go, go, go all the time!
I am so excited to see all the new projects and ideas he has come to fruition for the businesses as well as the residents.
Jeremy is our hero for truly believing the the greater good. For following through with what he says and working so hard for the community.
Laurie Ternier
Laurie Ternier is the winner of the July bag of treasures!
She wins a tote bag filled with all sorts of good stuff for quilters. Fabrics, kits, threads, patterns and more!
Remember every purchase you make puts you in the draw box to win a fabulous prize! Draws are at the end of each month and you must have your name in the computer data base.
Congratulations Laurie and enjoy your loot!
Kathleen Alcock
Kathleen Alcock was in to free motion long arm quilt this gorgeous quilt she has made as a sample for Katja's Quilt Shop.
Kathleen loves to do the free motion work the best and is becoming quite the pro star at it! Love watching her quilting journey with all her enthusiasm and passion for the art form!
Terrific quilt Kathleen! There are more of her projects below so check them out!
Kathleen Alcock
Here we have Kathleen Alcock again with her second little project of Wednesday! Yes she did both projects on the long arm in one day with loads of time to spare.
This darling little runner was made using the scraps left over from the Christmas quilt shown above. Super simple, but very effective. Can you believe she had this one free motion stitched in 15 minutes? Loaded and stitched!!
Mary Jane Reid
Mary Jane Reid was in to long arm quilt this stunning Attic Window quilt made using Northcott Shimmer panel and coordinates.
Mary Jane used one of her favorite pantos called "Carpet of Leaves". We use that panto quite a bit in the shop as it is a great panto to grow from the basic Bumpity to curves and leaves.
Great work Mary Jane and as always a fun day in the shop was had by all!
Mystery Quilt
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Our Mystery Quilt has found it's home! It is a bit of a story but read on for one of the best stories ever!
Close to 90 years ago a young Jewish fellow [we will call him Mr. W.] is growing up in Europe. The political climate is changing and becoming more dangerous as the days go by. His parents manage to get him out of Europe and he is resettled in Minnesota.
A few years go by and he meets to love of his life. Her last name is Valentine with a fairly large family. The yellow quilt that was hanging in our shop was her Dowry quilt made by a group of her Jewish relatives. As a wedding present they were presented with a Wedding Ring Quilt. More about that in a bit.
Mr. W. becomes an accountant. Mrs W. [nee: Valentine] is in fragile health and unable to work. They never had children as her health was too precarious.
Settling in Cochrane Alberta, they create a good life. As the time rolls along they become friends with a woman [Mrs.D.] who has a shop in the town. Mrs. W. passes away and Mrs. D. steps in to help Mr. W. out with shopping, cooking and appointments. She and her husband end up becoming very close to Mr. W.
Mr. W. then passes away. He leaves 1.5 million dollars in his will. All of it goes to hospitals and charities. In the will he states that there is a trunk to go to Mrs. D. In the old trunk there are 3 quilts. One for her and one for each of her daughters.
Mrs. D. and her husband end up in Kamloops for work a few years later. One day Mrs. D. s' husband offers to tidy up the spare room. He accidentally takes the quilts to the thrift shop. Mrs. D. is in tears. The Thrift Shop will not release any information to her in regards to who has the quilts now.
The Thrift Shop has sold one quilt to Marg Spina, and the other two to myself. Marg and I have been hunting for the owner of the quilts for 8 years! The quilts have been in our quilt show several times as well as hung in the shop. Sadly Marg Spina passed away earlier this year, and the yellow signature quilt was given to Diana Hewins by Margs' husband. Diana asked to show it again at the quilt show and then in the shop.
Jodi Lawrence of Kamloops This Week showed up with a business appointment, saw the quilt and wanted to know the story. She then sent Dale Bass out to do an article. The following week Mrs. D. husband opens the newspaper and tells his wife to take a look! She is in tears!
The very next day Mrs. D. was in to give us the proof of being the rightful owner of the quilt and ended up with all three of the quilts! Everyone in the shop was in tears.
This would make such a great novel or movie! Also it is a good reminder of why you should label your quilts!
So there you have it.....The Dowry Quilt story!!
Monette Powell
Monette Powell was here for the Anne Hall retreat working on Circle of Life.
She very kindly brought in her Dragon Star from last years' retreat. It is incredible!
Long arm quilted by Janet Spinks in Whitehorse Yukon. Just beautifully done from the piecing to the custom long arm quilting.
Thank you so much for sharing with us all Monette!
Monette Powell
Monette Powell also brought in the "Holy Snowballs quilt she made using Kaffe Fassett fabrics.
Monettes' level of quilting is just amazing. Perfect piecing and pressing gives her perfect results every time. Long arm quilted by Linda King with a lovely feathery panto!
Kits for this project are available in the shop or online at : http://www.fabricshelf.ca
Linda Barry
Linda Barry was in to long arm quilt her stunning "Moonglow" quilt from Jinny Beyer.
Linda did the quilt as a Block of the Month. she did much better than myself....mine lives in the closet for now. Le sigh.
A beautiful quilt Linda and this just might be the push I need to get mine done!
Poinsettia Class
Poinsettia Class with Anne Hall is coming this fall! Finishes at 30" for the round or the square version. This gorgeous little project is taught over 2 days November 14 and 15th.
If you are new to paper piecing or have never tried a Quiltworx pattern this would be a great opportunity. Check it out on the website http://www.fabricshelf.ca
Headline goes here
Fractured Star by Quiltworx is being taught this November by our very own Anne Hall!
Using a strip pack and background fabrics you have a gorgeous 80" quilt that will look fabulous just about anywhere!
This project is rated confident beginner, but is super for quilters who would like a bit of a refresher as well.
Dates of the class are Nov 16 and 17th. You can check it out on line at http://www.fabricshelf.ca
Git r' done!!
Do you have a project you have started with Anne Hall and would like to get it finished?
Anne Hall is offering a UFO of any of her classes during the 4 days she is teaching here! What a fantastic opportunity to finish up with help from Anne!
The available dates for the finishing is Nov. 14 through the 17th at a cost of $80 per day. You can sign up in store or on line at http://www.fabricshelf.ca
Marvin Ecker
Marvin Ecker will be here Sunday August 12th for a trunk show. Marvin has shown his work at several of the quilt shops up and down the valley as well as at Sun Peaks.
Marvin has an amazing collection of quilts he has made on his quilting journey and I am so excited to see them.
Remarkable in colour choices, modern design and the long arm quilting is jaw dropping!
Trunk show is here at the shop at 1 pm and the cost is $5 to help pay for his transportation. Please let us know if you are coming so I have an idea for number of chairs needed. Give us a call at 250-376-7630
Just in this week! "Renoir" fabrics by Robert Kaufman with 2 different panel plus coordinates.
An innovative artist, Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born on February 25, 1841, in Limoges, France. He started out as an apprentice to a porcelain painter and studied drawing in his free time. After years as a struggling painter, Renoir helped launch an artistic movement called Impressionism in 1870s.
Come on in to the shop to see this lovely line of fabrics or check them out at the website http://www.fabricshelf.ca