News Hot Off the Shelf
Dec. 22 - Jan. 2
Closed from Dec. 25th - Jan. 2nd

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


All of us at the Shelf would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2020.

At this time of year I find it a time of reflection and gratitude for all that we have at our shop. We are so incredibly lucky to have a job where we get to be surrounded by beautiful things, happy people and always something to look forward to.

Thank you to all of you for making our shop such a wonderful place to come to. Have a very merry  Christmas and we will see you in 2020!

Don't forget....we are closed from December 25th and open on January 2nd.


Best Christmas Present ever!


I am being a bit boastful but I just have to say I have been given the best Christmas present ever!

My staff, led by Coral, has done all my inventory early so Bill and I can have time off at Christmas from the 25th of December to January 2nd! This has never happened and I am not sure if I will know how to behave. I can guarantee that there will be some serious sewing time, sleep time and lots of totally wrong foods. 

I am so incredibly lucky to have staff that has given me the most precious gift of all for a shop owner.....Time! Thank you does not seem like enough but I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. And if I win the lottery we are all going to the fabric warehouses with trucks!


Deb Lebsack


Deb Lebsack was in to long arm quilt her 3 little projects in the morning! Yes you heard that right.....she quilted all three in one morning!

Deb is so much fun to have in the shop with her ready smile, eagerness to learn and positive attitude.

Thank you to Deb for sharing the morning with us and just being you!!


Mary Jane Reid


Mary Jane Reid was in to long arm quilt her gorgeous Northern Lights quilt. This one is a commission she made for a customer and it turned out awesome!

Starting with the center moose panel, she then built the quilt around it to fit the customer's bed. Her use of gorgeous jewel tones really invokes the feel of the north country.

Thank you to Mary Jane for sharing your afternoon with us. Your quilt is just stunning!


Marjorie Serack


Marjorie Serack was in this week to show off her latest masterpiece! Marjorie had the panel with the cute little mice for several years and finally this year was the year!

She used a great sashing to add to to the blocks. I have seen this particular sashing pattern instructions written up called "Gentlemen's Fancy". Marjorie is keeping this quilt for herself and I know she will enjoy many years of warmth and comfort from this one.

Thank you for inspiring us all Marjorie!


The Skaarups


Marcia and Earl Skaarup were in to long arm quilt this gorgeous batik quilt. Marcia has had the fabrics for quite a while and decided it was time to get it done.

Marcia has worked with Earl to be a team on the long arm and I have to say....they are doing great! Marcia runs the machine from the back and Earl operates from the front advancing the quilt, stitching down the sides and lining everything up.

The Skaarups are just so much fun to have in the shop for the day. They laugh, they have lunch with us and just relax with us all. Good times!

Thank you to Marcia and Earl for coming in and showing us how team work really succeeds!


Fishing Stocking!


Barb James made this awesome stocking for her son in law who is an avid fisherman. She has appliqued the fish on, the fishing line is miniature lights, the lure is a tiny candy cane and the cuff is light grey minky!

Barb started with an amazing ombre fabric that goes from deep blue to emerald green and just let her creativity go from there. Sometimes I have to say....You all just amaze me with what you make and what you imagine!

Thank you to Barb for sharing with us all and giving us ideas.....for next year.


From all of us at the Shelf who are Bulking up for Winter!


All of us at the Shelf want to take a moment to say thank you for all the goodies people have dropped off in the last week or so.We have made significant inroads on cookies, chocolates, party mix and more. 

Wonderful treats and we are so lucky to have customers/friends that would do this for us. Thank you all so much!


Teapot Sampler BOM

teapot sampler pattern BOM 

From In the Beginning Fabrics we have a new BOM coming in 2020. This one is called "Teapot Sampler" and finishes at 72" x 84".

The project will be over 10 months and is using regular cotton fabrics.
Bright colours and a fun design this quilt will look great in many different situations. Like my house. LOL

We will have more details as to pricing and when exactly it starts in the next couple of weeks. If you are interested you can call us and get your name on the list. 250-376-7630


Sew Days in 2020

  sad emoji

Due to rising costs our cost of Sew Days will be going up in January to $10 per person.

I was so sad to have to do this but it is a tough market out there right now. Just wanted to give a bit of a heads up for all the Friday sew girls.

Your $10 gives you the use of our room, irons, Best Press spray, advice when one of us is available and some great social time. Thank you for your understanding.

apqs machine

All of our Certified Refurbished machines have gone through a meticulous refurbishment process to ensure that each performs the same as new APQS machines. The result? You get a “like new” APQS machine, with savings of up to 30% off and a three-year warranty.


Our refurbished lineup

We work vigorously to refurbish any 2019 models that have been damaged during shipping or had a factory defect.

2019 Millie Includes:

Deluxe table

Quilt Glide

Automatic Quilt Advanced

A $5,600 discount

Retail price: $22,300 - Sale price only $16,700

2019 Freddie Includes:

Deluxe table

Quilt Glide

Automatic Quilt Advanced

A $5,100 discount

Retail price: $21,200/Sale price only $16,100

2019 Lucey SOLD OUT!!

2019 Lenni Includes:

Standard table

A $3,000 discount

Retail price: $11,300/Sale price only $8,300

Amazing extras with your machine

Don’t forget the amazing extras that come with EACH APQS machine:

Three-year warranty

Bobbin Winder

FREE Beginner’ class ($200 value)

One-year subscription to Fons and Porter ‘s Love of Quilting magazine

Several sample spools of thread

A starter pantograph

A package of needles

Extra bobbins

Only $1,000 for optional Bliss Track System Upgrade – Available on all Deluxe and Standard frames.

Prices are in USD.

These machines must be paid for in full at time of order.

Click on the link or give us a call at 250-376-7630