Quilt Show April 27/28th, 2019
Just getting the word out early for everyone. We are having our quilt show this year April 27/28th.
As always the quilt show will be right here in the Brock Shopping Center, in Kamloops, BC.
Our quilt show costs nothing to enter a quilt and everyone is welcome. If you can let us know how big your quilt is that is helpful for arrangement of the quilt racks.
We would love to see what you have been working on currently or in the past.The quilts shown are modern, antique, traditional and can be bed quilts, bags, clothing, runners and placemats or anything else that you have made from fabrics.
Entry to see the show is by donation to offset the costs and proceeds go to charity. I am cracking my whip, ladies, so you can get your quilts in!