News Hot Off the Shelf Feb. 19 through Feb. 24th

Hero of the Week


The week's hero is Shirley Huculak!

Shirley started out with us a couple of years ago and has taken to quilting like a duck to water. She has made several different quilts for all her family members and now is on the long arm rental program as one of our more constants!

Shirley is fearless in quilting and always open to new ideas and concepts. To me, that makes her a hero! If at the end of the day you can say you learned even one new thing, overcame one fear, tried just one new are a bigger and better person. Shirley is real example of this!

Thank you Shirley for always reaching further than yesterday and showing us all how to grow to become more!


Joan O'Morrow


Joan O'Morrow was in to show us her first quilt she made! A class taught by Jan Lineham with sampler blocks using several different methods was where she learned to make this one.

Joan did a fabulous job and is rightfully very proud of this one!

Keep at it Joan.....I have a feeling we are going to see lots of you!


Carnival of Color


Anyone out there have a gorgeous stash of Kaffe Fassett fabrics waiting to be made into a project? too! This one is called "Carnival of Color" and looking at the quilt I can certainly see why Kaffe Fassett is considered such a master at using colors!

Interested in the pattern? Click here the free download!


Laura Napier


Laura Napier with her darling "Winter Whimsy" pillow by Kimberbell.

Laura was unable to take the class so did this one on her own at home and I just love it! It is all the extras....pom poms, rick rack, shiny threads and more that really personalize the project!

Try some of these Kimberbell projects if you haven't yet. They are great for using up left over trims, trying out different decorative stitches and playing with threads.

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Prelude Kits now Available!


"Prelude" by Wilmington Prints is now available!

Betty Oswell has made the sample, Beth Scott has long arm quilted it and I told them to. LOL The quilt is like a little bit of Spring in the building....and we love it!

Hummingbirds, dragonflies and gorgeous dahlia blooms bring the sense of color and freshness to the project!

This is a Queen size quilt finishing at 83" x 91".  Priced at $229.99 includes top, binding and pattern.

Kits are available in store and online!


Hobbs 80/20 Sale!

batting picture 

Hobbs 80/20 Batting Sale is Back!!

Hobbs 80/20 batting by the roll 27.4 meters is for a limited time $229.99.
Pre-order only with delivery beginning of April. Pick up only at the shop. We can hold your batting for you until the end of the summer.
This works out to $8.39 meter!!!
Prices on batting are going up this year so don't miss out on this great opportunity.

We have 12 rolls left so grab yours before they are gone!
Phone us at 250-376-7630, come into the shop or visit us online! 


News Flash from the Industry


You may have heard this week that Westminster Fibers and Free Spirit are closing their doors by May 1st. This is the supplier for some very big names....Kaffe Fassett, Tula Pink and more.

This was a business decision on the parent company, Coats, part. There will be some changes and shifting as designers sign on with new fabric companies.

In most cases the designer is the owner of their artwork so we will still be able to carry their lines. There just will be a bit of a transition period while the dust settles.

If you are interested in more information you can head over to our facebook page for a video of Tula Pink  explaining how this will impact her. I really loved her attitude of focusing on the positive and looking to the future and new opportunities.


9th Annual North Shore Quilt Show


We have a change in dates for the 9th Annual Quilt Show.

Due to unforeseen glitch at the Seniors Center we are moving the show from April 21/22 to April 28/29th.

This quilt show is all about you! Think of it as a giant Show and Tell with lots of inspiration for everyone!

No entry fee, no judging .....just fun!

We will start to accept quilts in the middle of April. We will also be looking for volunteers to help out at the show so stay tuned for details.

** Photo is from the 2014 quilt show


Donna Biggar and Darlene Hegyi


Donna Biggar and her daughter Darlene Hegyi were in to long arm quilt this beauty. They took the certification class together just a few weeks ago and I think this is quilt #3 that is being quilted! Wow!

This project is a great example of a scrap quilt that really doesn't look scrappy at all! The use of the colours was fabulous and I fell i n love with it.


Circle of Life Class

circle of life 

Circle of Life class by Jacqueline de Jonge is being taught by Anne Hall July 24th through July 28th, 2018. Anne is one of only 5 in the world who is certified to teach this pattern! Pretty darn excited about that! Come and learn to make a jaw dropping project this summer with an amazing teacher! Cost of the class is $375 for the 5 days. You can sign up in store or online!

We have very limited seats left so grab yours quickly!

Please note that when you sign up on line the tax is included in the price. We are treating everyone to breakfast each morning courtesy of Craig's Bakery as well.




"Happiness" project by Jacqueline de Jonge of Be Colourful quilt designs is being taught March 2nd and 3rd, 2018. This one is a great learning one for all Be Colourful projects. Anne Hall, a certified Instructor will be teaching this one and we are pretty darn thrilled about that! Anne is a fabulous teacher with lots of tips and tricks and makes the class just so much fun! We have 3 spots left in the class. Cost of class is $200 and you can sign up in store or online!

Please note that when you sign up on line the tax is included in the price.


Desert Sky


Anne Hall, also certified instructor from Quiltworx, is here  February 28 and March 1st to teach Desert Sky quilt. The emphasis in this one is learning to do those perfect spikes and smooth corners. Guaranteed to be a fun experience with loads of tips and techniques this one is well worth taking. We have only 2 spots left in this one. Cost of the class is $160 and you can sign up in store or online! 

Please note that when you sign up on line the tax is included in the price.


Quilt Canada is coming to Vancouver!

  Quilt Canada

May 31, June 1 & 2 2018
Vancouver, BC
The Vancouver Convention Centre

May 31 (10am – 7pm)
June 1 (10am – 7pm)
June 2 (11am – 5pm)

Stay up to date on preparations for Quilt Canada 2018, the National Juried Show and all the plans for celebrating Canadian quilters and quilting.

Tickets for QUILT CANADA 2018 are now available to purchase.
For more information on the event click here! 


Bill is on the Road Again!

on the road again 

Bill is heading up to Terrace and Prince Rupert area the first week in May! He will be bringing lots of goodies

Anyone needing service on their APQS machines let us know. Also he can bring rolls of batting up for anyone who is ordering the batting right now at the amazing sale price!

I will have more details in the weeks to come....I am working on getting the fellow all organized. He is loving it.....LOL!  Call us at 250-376-7630 to get your name down for him to see your machine!


Wool Pressing Mats


Have you ever used a wool pressing mat? If not, this is the best thing since Wonder Clips.

Check out the video of the mat in use HERE. They are fabulous for working with wonky blocks [ ones that are maybe not quite the measurement they should be ] and for working on taking the puckers out of hand embroidery.

Available in store or online! 


Paulette Eccleston


Paulette Eccleston was in to free motion quilt two quilts today! This was a first try at free motion quilting on the long arm and she did amazing!

I particularly loved the smaller one which she did in waves across the quilt. The smoothness in the stitching was great and really enhanced the pattern.

Congratulations Paulette on a super job of quilting!




"Pamela" wall hanging made by the quilting machine AKA Betty Oswell!

The wall hanging finishes at 29" x 29" and is just the cutest ever! We have kits priced at $79.99 available in store and online! 

Kits include the pattern, top, binding and backing! Just a meter of batting and you are good to go!


505 Quilt Temporary Adhesive Spray

This is bit of a present for everyone. The 505 Adhesive Spray reg. priced at $29.99 is on special for only $24.99 for a limited time. This is for the large can 317g.

I use the spray on everything smaller than a twin size. Placemats. runners, bags, wall quilts etc. are great with the pins!!!! Yeah!

Available in shop or online!