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Quilt Canada 2022
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Bill and his bevy of beauties are off to Quilt Canada 2022 in Vancouver right now, so ergo not many quilt pictures to show you.
From the left : Lori Dewart, Bill, Cindy Schellenberg and Joanne Flammand .
We have a booth down at the show and are having a fabulous time meeting everyone, snooping on what others are up to in the quilt world and showing off our new APQS Millie and Lucey machines.
Thank you to Bill, Lori, Cindy and Joanne for all your hard work!
Vicki Martin
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Vicki Martin brought her quilt in for us to longarm for her. Loved her "Pippy" quilt all in happy Tula Pink fabrics. The pattern is fairly simple but the fabric does the work for her.
The Edge to Edge Digital design is Wave on Wave with Glide thread Mauve on the top. Leslie Ford is the longarmer on this one.
Thank you to Vicki for sharing your quilt with us all! It was lovely to have such a bright happy quilt on a grey Friday afternoon!
Anne Hall's dog, Percy is the photo bomber in the front of the photo.
Gina Barrett
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Gina Barrett was in to longarm quilt her gorgeous summertime quilt. she has used mostly Kaffe Fassett fabrics so you can just imagine the richness of the fabrics!
Bill was the helper on this quilt which is Edge to Edge design quilted. The chosen design is called P.S. I Love You one of my very favourites! Top thread is Lemon Ice by Glide threads.
Thank you to Gina for sharing your talents with us all!
Weekly Quilting Tip
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Do I need to do anything different to work with batiks? I have a few tips and tricks for sewing this gorgeous fabric. 1. Always use a Microtex needle for sewing on Batiks. The weave of the batik is much tighter than regular fabrics so you want the needle to be super sharp so it can quickly pierce the fabric. No gentle parting of the warps and the wefts. I usually use a size 12 needle and have no issues. 2. Any of the deep rich colours you should put into hot water before sewing to see if you have any bleeding of colours. This would be the navies, red, black , chocolate browns etc. If you notice some colour run, immerse your fabric in a tub or sink of hot water with Blue Dawn dish detergent. Let it soak for a while and then run it under the tap until it runs clear. 3. Batik lends itself to raw edge applique very nicely as it is a bit harder to hand stitch through for needle turn. It is all in the tighter weave of the fabric.
Enjoy your batiks and with a few simple tips you will have no problems!
Win a Lenni
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APQS is giving away a Lenni longarm quilting system! Want to be our grand prize winner? Enter for your chance to win the following: A Lenni longarm quilting machine on an 8, 10 or 12-foot table that includes a stitch regulator, multi-positional front handles and much more.
- A lifetime of quilting ahead.
A TOTAL VALUE: $12,700 The selection process (drum roll, please) ...APQS will randomly select a grand prize winner on Friday, August 19, 2022 after 5 p.m. CST. Enter once a day for your chance to win. There is no purchase necessary to enter or participate. Registration is open worldwide. Must be 18 years of age to win.
APQS Spring Demo Sale
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APQS Spring Demo SaleDemo Sale is on now so take a look and take one of these amazing machines home! We have the Millie and the Lucey and love them! One of the main reasons we went with APQS is the lifetime warranty and this does apply to the demo machines as well.
Demo machines sell fast and the quantity changes even faster! Check out at the APQS site for all the info on what is still available.
Click on the link for more information:
Plum Fusion
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I get to boast just a bit on this one. Plum Fusion is a 108" square quilt that I just 4pm on show in our booth at Quilt Canada.
Fabrics are all Tonga Batiks by Timeless Treasures, so you know you are getting a top quality product. The quilt was not overly difficult, just had to be careful on the sewing for everything to match.
We do have kits in the shop, online and at Quilt Canada. You can sign up as a BOM or purchase the entire quilt at one time. Click on the link to the website:
Fidget Blankets
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Claire Mackay, a member of the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation, is looking for some help with her Fidget Blankets. The group is ready to start sewing and is looking for the attachments....zippers, buttons, trims and more. These are for patients with dementia and Alzheimer's to ease boredom and stress. We have a basket at the shop for any donations you have. A great opportunity to purge a bit of the sewing room and provide help to so many in our community.
Thank you to Claire for heading up this great program, and thank you in advance to all of you that can donate. We are looking for textures and fiddly items to be sewn to the blankets.
Into the Nature
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Into the Nature by Michael Miller, this fabric is stunning with denim blues, soft greys, browns and more. Nature themed this project is suitable for so many.
Marg Kinney is the sample sewer on this bed size quilt. Leslie Ford is the longarmer and the binding is waiting for the binding fairy to show up. Love love love this quilt. Measures 96" x 112" it is a good size queen quilt. You can find the kits as well as the fabrics in the shop and on the website :
Sewing Machine Services
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Bill is back to heading over to Salmon Arm every week to see his stepmom. He will be bringing your machines over to drop off with Hector and Tammy. Your machine will be returned to you the following week.
If you would like to get your sewing machines all ready for the spring/summer sewing season bring your machines in by end of day on Tuesday.
If you could let us know if you want to bring your machine in that would be fantastic, so we know how many we are dealing with. 250-376-7630
Prices on a machine service are as follows: Basic non Electronic : $99.99 Electronic : $109.99 Embroidery Fancy Dancy : $119.99