News Hot Off the Shelf
March 8 - 15th
I am away from March 8 - 18th
Please be aware that no matter what my staff may tell you.....there is no 75% off!!! LOL

Hector and Tammy are coming!

sewing machine repair  

Hector and Tammy are coming this Thursday, March 12th to service your machines and get them purring again!

Keep your machine in tip top shape to give you peace of mind and many years of dependable enjoyment!
Please call ahead so we can reserve your spot and they know how many machines they have to work on.


Margaret Mitchell

  Margaret and the super heroes

Margaret Mitchell was in to long arm quilt her gorgeous Super Heroes quilt for a very lucky little person!

Margaret, your work is always so much fun to see, and really relates to who is the recipient of the project. I just love to see all the projects out there, what you are all working on and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of talent out there!

Thank you to Margaret for sharing your project with us and your day!


Kai Pyper is a Winner!

Kai Pyper winner for the month of February  

Kai Pyper is the winner of the $75 Gift Certificate for the month of February! She was beyond excited!

Every time you purchase in the shop at regular price your name is entered to win the gift certificate at the end of the month! Just think what you could use $75 in the shop for!

Good luck and see you all soon!


Silly Moon Workshop


The creator of ruler for quilting is coming to Kamloops to do a workshop in May! I am thrilled to Welcome Kelly of Silly Moon to our shop to show us how to use the rulers on domestic and long arm machines.

The date of the class is May 23rd with 2 classes on the Saturday. Times of the class are 9am - 12:30 and 1pm - 4:30pm. Each class is $35 and will give you all opportunity to play with the rulers on your own domestic machine. You can sign up for one or both of the classes.

Our shop will be carrying the rulers so I am pretty darn excited about that. I do have it up on the web site under classes but no photos yet as Kelly is sending them to me.
Click on the link to the web site to sign up. Limited to 16 students per class.


South Thompson Inn Retreat!

  retreat #2

This fall Anne Hall and Heather Fagervik are hosting a quilt retreat at the fabulous South Thompson Inn!

I am so excited to see this one happen, close to home, fantastic food menu, option of staying at the hotel or going home each night and to top it off the projects are amazing!

For Advanced quilters - Dinner Plate Dahlia
For the Rest of us - Wintergreen

Dates are Oct. 24th to Oct. 29th inclusive. 

Click on the link for all the details and sign up fast. We still have a couple of openings for this quilting party event!


Beginner Sampler Class

beginner quilt jan 2020  

Both of the classes, Wednesday and Saturday, are now filled for the month of April. We will be offering the class again in June, so watch for the dates and sign up quickly as these classes go fast!


Kathy's Krazy Deals

  Kathy happy deals

Kathy has been off this last week, so I am sure you have all missed seeing her fun and super prices she finds for product in the shop.

Stay tuned as she is back this coming week and I am sure she will knock your socks off!


Quilt Show 2020

  sad face

We are incredibly sad to announce that there is no Quilt Show this year. This is the first time in 11 years that we have had to cancel and please be assured that it was not an easy decision to come to.

We have some family issues happening right now and we have to put that as the priority. I have had my cry, my vent and my Cheezie puffs and wine but it is what it is. Life hands you lemons and you make lemonade. Just wait until you see what is coming for next years show!

Thank you to everyone for your understanding.......but if you are still wanting a quilt show to go to check out the Salmon Arm one listed below!


Everybody Loves Quilts


The Shuswap Quilter Guild is having a Quilt Show "Everybody loves Quilts" in early June.

There will be a Merchants Mall, Raffle quilt and so much more. Over 300 Quilts will be on display! Check it out on the Friday or Saturday of June 5th and 6th. Admission is $7.

For more information click:


Knitting and Spies??

  knitting and spies

I know this is not quilting but it is still Fibre Arts and the story is fascinating!
Can you imagine these women knitting secret codes into the garments for the Partisans in Europe? Amazing but true!
Pour a cup of coffee, put your feet up and enjoy the read of some truly courageous people!